10. Mai 20192 Min. Lesezeit
Successful WIRD Technology Day Ticino!
This year's event strategy to invite 5 Gartner-, Forrester or IDC leaders in their field and give a short, 25 minute introduction to what...

10. Apr. 20191 Min. Lesezeit
WIRD Technology Day, Lugano: 5 Gartner / Forrester Leaders present their latest innovations
WIRD Technology Day 2019 8 maggio 2019, 9:00 - 12:00, Hotel Villa Sassa, Lugano Il WIRD Technology Day offre gli ultimi aggiornamenti...

28. März 20191 Min. Lesezeit
Save the date: WIRD Technology Day, 8 Maggio 2019, Lugano
Il WIRD Technology Day offre gli ultimi aggiornamenti tecnologici sull'infrastruttura in-the-cloud e sulla sicurezza basata...

26. Feb. 20193 Min. Lesezeit
Why Performance Matters When Building Your New SD-WAN
The New Generation of High Performance SD-WANs As enterprise IT considers ways to improve WAN functionality and service levels while...

15. Aug. 20184 Min. Lesezeit
5 Reasons Why Enterprises are Moving to Broadband their WAN
The WAN has always been about connecting users to applications and moving data, but the playing field has now changed with datacenters...