Protect your enterprise
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Targeted attacks on computer systems with ransomware demands have become commonplace. Small, medium and large companies are victims of this plague every day. It has taken on a new dimension with the digitalisation and the COVID crisis, which opens new doors for hackers. We are now talking about very well organised mafia groups with a well-established business model, generally operating from countries with little or no will to fight against their activities.
Based on 25 years of experience in IT and cybersecurity, WIRD Group offers a proven methodology to protect your business against ransomware attacks. We cover the 3 basic security principles of prevention, detection and response to an attack.
Contact us by clicking the button below. We will be happy to advise you. If desired, we can also assist you with the implementation of defence solutions.

WIRD Security approach against ransomware
One partner, one solution
End-to-end support by WIRD Group
Customised for your company
Fair pricing for small and medium entreprises
25 years of experience in security
- 500+ customers all over Switzerland
Presence in the French, Italian and German part of Switzerland
Representing leading security solutions