WIRD Group
"No Backup, No Mercy"
This mantra of the storage specialists has unfortunately come painfully true for many companies and institutions affected by the fire at OVH's data centres near Strassbourg.
This fire should encourage IT managers in all companies to review their own backup and disaster recovery precautions and - where necessary - to improve them. If this system was set up some time ago, possibly already som years and with the technology and costs of the time, a review is an absolute imperative. The backup and DR solutions introduced by leading manufacturers such as Cloudian, Rubrik, NetApp, Veeam or others in recent months are far superior to older backup systems in terms of performance and cost.
Given the enormous importance of data for practically all companies, it must not be the case that comprehensive backup protection is compromised for cost reasons. Also, the frequently cited complexity and expense of controlling the backup system is really no longer an issue with today's solutions.
Don't get caught on the wrong foot like many of OVH's corporate customers. WIRD offers the solutions of all leading producers available. Let the experienced WIRD specialists advise you and your company on what is the best, easy-to-use and cost-efficient solution for your organisation. Contact us under info@wirdgroup.com