NetApp - From Classic Data Storage Products to
Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Services
NetApp storage equipment is used by enterprises and service providers to store and to share large amounts of digital data across physical and hybrid cloud environments. The NetApp storage hardware includes all-flash and hybrid storage systems for block, file and object storage.
WIRD Group has a long-standing history of introducing best-of-breed new companies to the Swiss market. NetApp is one of these fine companies with highly advanced technology to serve our Swiss clients with reliable and innovative storage solutions.
NetApp truly reinveted itself to become the leading cloud and
hybrid cloud solution provider
Cloud Services
NetApp elevates its clients cloud with a continouosly evolving portfolio of cloud services and capabilities.
Cloud’s full potential is waiting to be unleashed. That’s where NetApp comes in. NetApp simplifes your cloud management landscape while unlocking the speed, efficiency, and flexibility to shift focus from administration to innovation.
Hybrid Cloud
NetApp offers data services that work across public clouds, private clouds, VMs and microservices.
Allows client applications and components to interoperate in a borderless world. Data is empowered to move around with the unhindered ease of an experienced diplomat. Where NetApp clients go with their newfound agility is up to them.
Data Storage
NetApp modernises and simplies the on-premise envoironments with all-powerful, all-flash storage arrays.
NetApp has never had a storage challenge, it could not solve. Clients needing petabyte capacity, NVMe/FC, scale-out NAS, etc. NetApp has the industry’s broadest portfolio of all-flash, hybrid-flash, and object storage systems.
Overview of NetApp's Solutions & Products
Cloud Services:
Products (continued):